Education Programs
17th Annual Every Girl Can Conference

Girls Rising in Science, Technology and Design
Girls (5th to 10th) , parents, educators, please join us on Saturday, March 22, 2025 and be inspired to rise in Science, Technology and Design. Our conference kicks off with a mother-daughter fitness walk around campus, sneak preview of our exhibits and a complimentary light breakfast.
Be prepared for a dynamic and informative presentation by our morning guest speaker, Dr. Valerie Nelson. Click her for her bio
Our Break out Sessions
A deep-dive discussion top women professionals in STEM/STEAM fields representing education, industry, research, business and government. Enjoy intimate conversations, participate in shared learning and get answers to the questions you always wanted to ask.
5th/6th and 7th/8th grade, enjoy fun, interactive exhibits ds-on activities, explore how the Arts (dance, music, visual and design, combine with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and expand opportunities to create, innovate, and make whatever you can imagine and work hard to produce.
9th and 10th grade. A special STEM Career forum where you can ask questions of professionals in industry,
AFTERNOON Guest presentation
A very special presentation on fashion design and technology. More details to
Complimentary box lunch. Children with food allergies should bring their own refreshments. Montgomery College assumes no responsibility for any allergic reactions.
Please don’t delay.
REGISTER HERE Download Flyer
16th Annual Every Girl Can Conference

Join us for a half day of fun and learning. Come out and be motivated and inspired by phenomenal women and youth leaders, educators, college students and more. Enjoy hands-on activities, networking, prizes and giveaways.
Don’t delay – Reserve your spot today.
Please register here Download Flyer
Presenter Profiles*
*Available 3/1/2023
15th Annual Every Girl Can Conference Discover the Creator, Innovator, Maker in You

Please join us on Saturday, April 22, 2023 and discover the creator, innovator, maker that may be hidden inside of you. Girls in 5th to 8th grade will enjoy fun, hands-on activities, explore how the Arts (dance, music, visual and design, combine with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and expand opportunities to create, innovate, and make whatever you can imagine and work hard to produce.
Girls, parents and educators will meet and talk with top women professionals in STEM/STEAM fields representing education, industry, research, business and government. Enjoy intimate conversations, participate in shared learning and get answers to the questions you always wanted to ask.
Enjoy a fitness walk across campus, (starting at 8:15 am) then join us for a breakfast reception as you peruse our STEAM exhibits. Our guest presenters are two exciitng young professionals representing, aerospace engineering, art, writing, entrepreneurship, coding and innovation through fashion design. Complimentary box lunch. Children with allergies should bring their own refreshments.
Don’t delay – Reserve your spot today.
14th Annual Every Girl Can Conference

14th Annual Every Girl Can Conference – Girl Strong
Leading With Confidence, Self- Love & Social Media Savvy
Join us for a day of interactive learning to help middle school girls identify ways to be more confident, love themselves for who they are, find and express their voice and overcome the pressures of Social Media. Women (parents, educators, program leaders) will enjoy networking and participate in a deep-dive panel discussion to share and discover ways to help girls become confident and Social Media Savvy.
Be inspired by phenomenal women and student leaders affiliated with colleges, high/middle school, community organizations, private sector and government.
Receive, information, tips and resources to help grow Strong Girls who soar and thrive in and out of school.
Join an early morning mother-daughter fitness activity before conference starts.
Please do not delay – Reserve your spot today. – Dads & 5th graders welcome.
Montgomery College COVID protocols will apply. Please check back in April for details.
13th Annual Every Girl Can Conference - Girls Soaring in STEM

Girls in 5th to 8th grade and women, please join us for a half day of fun and learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as you explore, discover, discuss and soak up inspiration with phenomenal women, students and young professionals in the fields of Scientific research, health science, medical science, coding, computer science, robotics, self-care and well-being.
Join us virtually for this very special Every Girl Can education conference.
Receive, information, tips and resources about courses, career, career paths/opportunities, success.
Join a mother-daughter fitness class before conference starts.
Please do not delay -Reserve your spot today.
Discover Pediatrics
Virtual Tour and Presentation
with Dr. Suzzette Ettienne,
Ettienne’s Premier Pediatrics, Bowie, MD
Girls in 6th to 8th Grade
Ettienne’s Premier Pediatrics, Bowie, MD
Sat. Feb. 20, 2021 – FREE
Building "Yes I Can" Confidence for Success
Virtual Workshop – for Middle School Girls
Sat. Jan. 30, 2021 – 2:00 to 3:30 pm. FREE
12th Annual, Every Girl Can Conference (VIRTUAL)

Sat. Oct. 3, 2020, 8:40 am to 12:30 pm. FREE
Girls Rising Through Leadership – Becoming Bold, Confident and Strong
- Girls in 6th to 9th grade and women (parents, educators, program leaders)
- Keynote speaker – C. Marie Taylor, President & CEO- Leadership Montgomery
- Leadership workshop and learning lab for girls and, a panel discussion for women, all featuring phenomenal women leaders and students in education, healthcare government and community.
- Zumba fitness class & more
Savvy STEM Girl - Virtual Summer Camp - 7/13 to 7/17/20

A virtual, summer camp for middle school girls and rising 9th graders to explore, discover and real-world topics and career paths in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Five days of learning and fun with some of the Washington Metro Area’s top top STEM professionals who will enrich, motivate and inspire girls to soar and shine. Our program includes a special life skills workshop focused on helping girls build confidence, self-esteem and mental/physical wellness.
LIMITED ENROLLMENT – 15 GIRLS maximum. Don’t delay, register today.
$100.00 – Full registration – $50.00 – Scholarship registration – for girls who receive approved government subsidy such as free and reduced meals. Please submit proof of government subsidy by email to – [email protected] or fax- 866-414-3591.
Registration closes 7/10/20
Discover Cardiology -Virtual STEM field trip,

Capitol Cardiology – Camp Springs office.Sat.
Get connected and engaged while you discover, explore, inquire, and Interact virtually with two cardiologists to learn about their exciting medical career. Find out what it takes to become a cardiologist, and some of the health care services and procedures they provide. Discover some of the steps Cardiology takes to provide its patients with the highest standard of cardiovascular care through compassion, medical expertise, and commitment to excellence. Cost – No Charge.
Every Girl Can STEM Field Trip

Join us for a fun, interactive learning, exploring and discovery in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics
Activities at NIH:
- Walking tour of NIH with Dr. Belen Hurle
- Scavenger hunt to identify various lab objects
- NIH presentation
- Q and A with NIH trainees to discuss education/career path
- Lunch in the NIH cafeteria (bring lunch or purchase($10-$15)
- Hands-on activities
Girls return to St. John’s Episcopal Church 2:30 to 3:00 pm
Activities at St. John’s Episcopal Church:
- Snack break and debriefing
- Screening & discussion of STEM documentary – Dream Big
- Free play with STEM toys/games
- Journaling (we will provide the journals)
- Free play with STEM toys/games
- Journaling (we will provide journals)
Please pick up your daughter from St. John’s Episcopal Church, no later than 5:30 pm
Limited enrollment – Please do not delay your registration
If your child has any food allergy, please assume full responsibility for all meals/snacks. Thank you.
Info: 301-792-2276 – [email protected]

July 15th to 19th, 2019, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Camp starts at 9:00 am
Old Parish House (near Univ. of MD)
4711 Knox Rd. College Park, MD 20740
REDUCED FEE: $200.00 per child. New registration Deadline: 6/30/19
Scholarship discounts are available for girls who receive a school meal subsidy. Please email [email protected] to request an application.
Late pick-up: $15.00 any time after 6:05 pm AND each half hour there after
Limited enrollment – Please do not delay your registration
Join us for fun, interactive learning, exploring and discovery in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics
Please bring lunch Monday to Thursday. We will provide lunch on Friday and an afternoon snack each day.
If your child has any food allergy, please provide lunch & snacks, EVERY DAY.
Info: 301-200-2514 – [email protected]
11th Annual Every Girl Can Conference

Your Future is STEAMtastic – Explorations in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
Sat. March, 30, 2019 – 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, Montgomery College, Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus – Health Sciences Center,
7977 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910.
FREE for all girls. $20 – Adults.
Past attendees of Every Girl Can programs in 9th to 12th grade may register for a special STEAM workshop for high school students and volunteer as conference aides. FREE.
Girls: Engage in hands-on workshop, discussion groups & interactive exhibits; Meet STEM/STEAM professionals up close; Explore academic and career opportunities, challenges and trends in STEM/STEAM; Gain knowledge and insights from keynote speaker Dr. Karen Marongelle, Dir. Education & Human Resources, Nat’l Science Foundation and other outstanding presenters from Montgomery College, Johns Hopkins Univ./Applied Physics Lab, Univ. of Maryland, Perspecta,Inc., Dept. of Defense, MCPS, and PGCPS. Women/Adults: Enjoy deep discussion with a panel of STEAM educators and leaders, networking, and our mother-daughter fitness walk, starting at 8:15 am. Bring your lunch or purchase one for $5.00. Complimentary light breakfast. Girls will take home an Every Girl Can T-shirt and other giveaways.
4th Annual Savvy STEM Girl, one-day, camp. Sat. 6/29/19. The Sienna School, Silver Spring. Cost: $20.00.
STEAM Summer Camp. July 15-19/19. Cost: $250 – scholarships for qualified students to be announced.
Savvy STEM Girl Mini Summer Camp Robotics and More

STEM Field Trip to Johns Hopkins & NIH
Applied Physics Lab and Nat’l Institutes of Health – Nat’l Cancer Inst.
Please register by 8/26/18
Register here
Monday, September 10, 2018
(MCPS schools are closed)
More details to follow.
11th Annual Every Girl Can Conference
Sat. March 30, 2019
Montgomery College – Silver Spring/Takoma Park Campus. Conference theme –
Your Future is STEAMtastic
Discovering Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
10th Annual Every Girl Can Conference

Please join us for the 10th Annual, Every Girl Can Conference for girls and women. Dads welcome. Adults – $30.00 includes box lunch & T-shirt. $25.00- bring your own lunch. Discounts with group registration. Please call for details.
We have planned an exciting day of fun and learning to help girls discover what it means to be a leader.
Conference Program Highlights:
- Keynote presentation: Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President, Montgomery College
- Meet the Leaders Learning Loop: Girls get to engage close-up and personally with women leaders in
Business, Education, Government/Politics, STEM/STEAM, Healthcare, Media, Communication/PR,
Sports, Community service, Arts/Culture - Gathering of Girls Recognition
- Girls in 9th grade through college/beyond.Are you a former participant of an Every Girl Can program since 2007? Come out and be recognized then join us for a lively discussion on leadership, mentoring and giving back to the community. Our non-profit needs your help to continue making a difference in the lives of girls.
- Mother/Dad-Daughter Fitness walk
- Exhibits and workshops
- Every Girl Can 10th anniversary poster competition
- Talk with student leaders.
- Meet-up with old friends
Form more info – Please contact [email protected] or call 301-200-2514
Savvy STEM Girl Enrichment Program

Friday, Nov. 10, 2017, 7:30 am -5:30 pm
Universities Space Research Association & Capital Scholars in
Collaboration with The Every Girl Can Learning Institute, presents:
One-Day STEM Camp
Visit the Computer Science Department at University of Maryland, College Park and the headquarters of Universities Space Research Association in Columbia, MD.
Drop-off students in parking lot of St. Johns Episcopal Church beginning at 7:30 am. Bus leaves at 8;45 am.
11040 Baltimore Avenue (corner Rt. 1 & Powder Mill Rd.).
Click Here for the EventBrite registration
Fall 2017 STEM Enrichment Program

Cost – $20.00
Friday, October 20, 2017, 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
- Universities Space Research Association & Capital Scholars in – EVENT RESCHEDULED TO SPRING -2018
- Collaboration with The Every Girl Can Learning Institute, presents
Savvy STEM Girl Field Trip for girls in 6th to 8th Grade - Visit, University Space Research Association (Columbia, MD) and
Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics lab (Laurel, MD) - Explore, Discover and Learn about science, space research and engineering
SAVVY STEM Girl - Mini Summer Camp

SAVVY STEM Girl – Mini Summer Camp
Girls in 5th to 8th Grade
Saturday, July 29, 2017
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
The Sienna School
1300 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901
Cost:$30.00 per child
- Bring a brown bag lunch.
- We will provide snack and beverages
Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures Educational Movie Screening
Friday, March 3, 2017 1:30 to 3:30 PM
Venue: AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910
After the movie
STEM Girls Soar Activity Program – 4:00 to 6:30 pm
Venue: Silver Spring Historic Railroad Station
8100 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Come out and see the movie – Hidden Figures then join us after the movie for STEM activities, games,
trivia, discussion and light refreshments. Meet women in
science, engineering, mathematics and other STEM fields.
Win a signed copy of the book – Hidden Figures and other prizes.
Please CLICK HERE to register.
For more info – 301-200-2514
The 9th Annual Every Girl Can™ Conference

The Every Girl Can™ Learning Institute, Inc.
In Collaboration With Montgomery College Presents
The 9th Annual Every Girl Can™ Conference
Saturday, February 25, 2017 – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Montgomery College, Health Sciences Center, Silver Spring/Takoma Park Campus 7977 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Girls in 5th to 8th Grade, FREE. Women, $30.00
Please join us for a day of fun, hands-on learning, enrichment and inspiration for girls and women. Dads are welcome.
Come out and explore, discover and learn how to be confident and succeed inside and outside of school. Meet and talk with phenomenal women who are local and national leaders in the fields of science, human genetics, robotics, education, mathematics, architecture, technology, cyber engineering, performing arts, aerospace, nutrition science, and diabetes research.
Business and professional women in STEM/STEAM, Montgomery College and Montgomery Blair High School students will contribute to the conference as speakers, panelists, workshop presenters, exhibitors and resource providers. Been to the theatre lately? Enjoy a special STEAM presentation in the Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center. Conference attendees will receive a complimentary light breakfast and lunch and a conference tote bag with giveaways. Sponsors and advertisers are needed to help us cover the cost of the conference. Please click to check out our online fundraiser or download the sponsor form below.
Form more info – Please contact [email protected] or call 301-200-2514
#EveryGirlCan #EveryGirlCanConf2017 #EveryGirlCanLearn
Eventbrite Tickets Donation Download FlyerPlease send sponsor form to
[email protected]
The 8th Annual Every Girl Can™ Conference

The Every Girl Can™ Learning Institute, Inc.
(A new non-profit based in Silver Spring, MD)
In Collaboration With Montgomery College Presents
The 8th Annual Every Girl Can Conference
(Formerly The Every Girl Can “SMART Image Conference)
Theme: Girls Rising Through Leadership
Saturday, May 7, 2016 – 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Montgomery College Silver Spring/Takoma Park Campus
7977 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD
Free parking on campus – West Garage/Student spaces
Girls in 5th to 8th Grade, FREE. Women, $20.00
Please join us for a day of enrichment, inspiration and motivation to help girls learn how to be respected, trusted, confident, bold, leaders who embrace a healthy self-image, and adopt a “Yes I Can” attitude. Business and professional women, college students and young professionals in education, government, and community service will contribute to the conference as speakers, panelists, volunteers and resource providers. There will be a special guest from the White House and a screening of the movie, I am Malala. Attendees will receive a complimentary light breakfast and lunch, our new signature Every Girl Can learn T-Shirt and other giveaways. We need volunteers and sponsors to help make this happen. Please contact [email protected] or 301-200-2524
Please register and/or make a tax deductible donation below.
#EveryGirlCan #EveryGirlCanConf2016 #EveryGirlCanLearn
Fall 2016 Field Trip - National Institutes of Health - Research Facilities - Bethesda, MD

Fall 2016 Field Trip – National Institutes of Health – Research Facilities – Bethesda, MD
The Every Girl Can Learning Institute is sponsoring a field trip to NIH on Wednesday, October 12th for girls in 6th to 8th grades. We will depart from downtown, Silver Spring by car at 8:45 AM then drive to the NIH campus in Bethesda. Girls should bring a brown bag lunch. We will dine in the NIH cafeteria then return to downtown by 2:00 PM.
The cost for the field trip will be $20.00. For parents who need after care, the cost will be $15.00 (from 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM). Please stay tuned for the registration form on our website. If your child will participate in the field trip, please let me know ASAP if you will need aftercare. Girls should wear the white EGCLI. Please RSVP by email to [email protected].
Field Trip Details –
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives. The NIH is made up of 27 different sections called Institutes and Centers (ICs). Each has its own specific research focus, often related to a particular diseases or body systems.
During the visit, the young ladies will have an opportunity to learn more about NIH and its role in keeping the nation and the world healthy; visit one of the laboratory facilities that supports the research of the thousands of scientists who work at the NIH; and meet with some of the researchers who support the NIH’s research activities.
Summer 2015 - Johns Hopkins University